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Enriching Your Health and Fitness Journey with Exercise

This uncertainty and the questions you have may be stopping you from beginning a training as well as a nutrition program and may have been stopping you for some time. The first step is just doing something. Even if you do not read the rest of this blog or the assortment of helpful blogs below, understand that you have to do something, even if that something is unstructured, if you want to reach your goals. Randomly use machines at the gym, start being mindful of your healthy eating again, start walking for 10 minutes each day—just do something. And then keep doing that thing and add more things. In time, you will be doing a whole lot of something and moving toward your goals, even if a real plan is not present. That said, some more information will help you.

I. Information

For starters, health and fitness blogs are typically valuable sources of new information. If you want to learn which exercises target the quadriceps, how many carbs you should be eating every day, or how fast you should be running on a recovery day, blogs can sometimes be an excellent source of knowledge. The only caveat here is that not all health and fitness blogs are created equally; while many health and fitness professionals and bloggers do their best to provide personal training and nutrition information based on empirical evidence, some amateurs may not have a full grasp on this subject matter. Accordingly, it’s important to find fitness blogs and fitness bloggers that you genuinely trust, so you can truly rely on the information they provide

II. Motivation

Sometimes, reading health and fitness blogs is the best way to get motivated. You can read about the major accomplishments of bodybuilders and athletes. You can read about the journeys that people have made from being out of shape or obese to being super fit and a healthy lifestyle. You can also read about the strategies that online personal trainers have used to provide motivation to others.

The value of the health for beginners:

Potential clients come to us for basic reasons, reasons that may be your motivation for beginning to work out and focus on nutrition. These reasons are

• Reduce body fat
• Build muscle
• Get strong
• Improve nutrition
• Increase mobility
• Better cardio
• Expand general fitness

These goals overlap in many areas. For example, many people who want to build muscle want overall improvements in body composition, meaning they want to reduce body fat.
For someone looking to expand general fitness, part of the focus is getting stronger and bettering cardio ability, since these are expressions of fitness. This overlap likely applies to you too.
As you read through the blogs, and really as you think about your training and nutrition, keep this idea in mind.
Each of the blogs below focuses on one or more of the above goals. The last two blogs do so in more of an indirect way, but the others directly focus on one or more goals and will prove helpful to you as a beginner seeking a quality workout plan and nutrition program.

III. How to lose weight

One of the most common goals for any client entering personal training is weight loss. Almost everyone wants to lose fat around the midsection, get rid of the dreaded and oddly named “batwings,” or see fewer dimples in the thighs.
For most of the population, adding weight is easy.
Fast food, high-caloriesnack foods, and social eating all contribute to this making eating a common pastime during which high amounts of calories are easy to consume.
Losing weight is difficult for those same people. Most people view the difficulty as something physical, which has some merit, but the most difficult underlying issue is the mental part of losing weight.
If you want to understand more about the mental and how to lose weight, read this blog.

IV. 5 tips for building strength

Building strength is a simple subject that is often made complex due to the internet. Everyone has an opinion and different coaches use different approaches. People debate which approach is best, flex their egos, and confuse the issue more due to this. Really, all strength programs work. The argument about program superiority is often a matter of context

For example, a powerlifting program is ideal for a powerlifter, while that same program may not be ideal for the soccer mom who has no interest in powerlifting. The soccer mom may benefit from a generalized approach to strength training that includes more variety in lifts, includes calisthenics, and uses a wider variety of rep ranges.

This does not mean either program is bad or inferior, just that each program has a place where it is more ideal. That said, there are some basic ideas behind any strength program. Follow the link to learn more.

V. Start here on your nutrition journey

When it comes to any physical goal that you want to achieve, whether it is improved health, improved fitness, improved performance, body composition changes, or some other goal, you have to consider nutrition.
Now there are some people who say that you can out train a bad diet, and while some degree of truth is in that statement, the more focused you are on nutrition for your goal, the better your progress will be.
Success with nutrition or anything in life is about finding the proper line for you and balancing on that line, giving you the things that you want and the things that you need to be successful.
You do not have to go vegan or eat meat. You can go high carb or low carb. No one nutrition strategy exists; many can help you get healthy recipes be successful.

VI.Five exercises we recommend for everyone

There are five exercise types we recommend for everyone.
If you are a current or former client of ours, you know these types of movements well.

1. Any squat for lower body function
2. Any hip hinge for posterior chain function, bottom dominant
3. Any overhead press-shoulder, arm, and pec development (minor emphasis on pecs)
4. Upper-body posterior chain movement-neck to waist dominant (band pull-apart, etc.)
5. Cardio-cardio help and overall fitness

VII. Workout Blog Post Ideas

1. Yoga routines
2. Flexibility workouts
3. Upper body strength workouts
4. Strength-training
5. Plyometric workouts
6. Water Aerobics
7. Endurance workouts
8. Kickboxing workouts
9. Boot-camp style workouts
10. Resistance band workouts
11. Full-body circuit training
12. Low-impact workouts for seniors
13. Low-impact exercises for beginners
14. HIIT workouts for busy people

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